2-3 maggio 2023
Ischia Island, Naples (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Football transfer market network: the communities of the Italian Football

02 mag 2023, 12:45
Room Aragonese ()

Room Aragonese

Oral Presentation YoungARS YoungARS


Lucio Palazzo (University of Naples Federico II)


The men’s football transfer market represents a complex phenomenon requiring suitable methods for an in-depth study. Network Analysis may be employed to measure the key elements of the transfer market through network indicators, such as degree centrality, hub and authority scores and betweenness centrality. Furthermore, community detection methods can be proposed to unveil unobservable patterns of the football market, even considering auxiliary variables such as the type of transfer. These methodologies are applied to the players' transfer of the 40 teams participating in the two major categories of the Italian football leagues (Serie A and Serie B). These operations are not confined to the Italian teams but include teams from all over the world. We consider the summer market session of 2022, at the beginning of the season 2022-2023. Local network measures and the comparison of different community detection methods can help to better understand some peculiarities of the Italian football transfer market in terms of different approaches of the teams, based on their market power.

Topics • Networks in sport
Keywords Transfer Market, Network Analysis. Community Detection

Primary authors

Lucio Palazzo (University of Naples Federico II) Riccardo Ievoli (University of Ferrara) ROBERTO RONDINELLI

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