2-3 maggio 2023
Ischia Island, Naples (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

A network churn-retention index based on students' mobility flows

03 mag 2023, 15:45
Room Sant'Angelo ()

Room Sant'Angelo

Contribution in Organized Session Mobility Networks Mobility Networks


Giuseppe Giordano (University of Salerno)


This contribution stems from the general framework of the analysis of student mobility flows, between universities, in a specific geographical context.
We refer to a specific regional level of analysis, considering the case of the Campania region in Italy.
Starting from raw data measuring the occurrence of the students' churn decision in the transition from the first to the second year of the bachelor degree, defined by the choice to change degree course and/or university, we define flow data on the network that take into account both the students' retention capacity by the universities and the direction of the flows between the universities.
The resulting flow data can be interpreted as a measure of the Odds between dropout and retention. This measure of association defines a system of weights placed on the arcs of the local universities' network.
The analysis and representation of these networks will be aided by the use of specific factorial techniques and social network analysis tools.

Topics • Student mobility network
Keywords Correspondence Analysis, directed graph, odds, students' mobility, weighted network

Primary authors

Giuseppe Giordano (University of Salerno) Dr. Ilaria Primerano (Dept. of Political and Social Studies - University of Salerno)

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