2-3 maggio 2023
Ischia Island, Naples (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

The relational factor as a model for innovation and territorial development. The case of Fondazione Saccone in the Campania Region

02 mag 2023, 15:45
Room Forio ()

Room Forio

Oral Presentation YoungARS YoungARS


Martina Vassalluzzo (Fondazione Saccone)


The concept of "working in a network" or "networking" has been spreading for years in the business world. Companies have understood that in order to survive and achieve economic success, it is necessary to abandon individualistic mechanisms and open up to systems of interaction between organizations. The transformation of markets and innovation have led companies to develop relationships in which the network system prevails: organizations that develop connections through information and knowledge exchange and collaborations. The objective of this contribution is to analyze how Fondazione Saccone in Campania presents itself as a hub of competences that has created and promoted a system of interrelationships between companies and territorial entities, favoring the exchange of information among actors of different nature and therefore the creation of common knowledge. The inter-organizational network that is created can thus contribute to the development of "human capital" in an increasingly fragile economy subject to the so-called "brain drain". The definition of the Foundation's network aimed first of all at identifying the actors involved, the different relationships established in terms of collaborations in projects, organization of training courses, conducting research on the territory and dissemination of results through the collection of archival data and data taken from social media over the period 2019-2022. The stability and growth of relationships over time highlight the creation of social capital that seems to stimulate and accompany the action of individual business and territorial entities, making them stronger and more competitive on the market. The inter-organizational network created by Fondazione Saccone thus represents a concrete example of how relationships between companies and entities can generate benefits for the development of the entire territory and for the economic and social growth of local communities.

Topics • Organizational networks
Keywords inter-organizational network

Primary authors

Martina Vassalluzzo (Fondazione Saccone) Giovanni Trezza (Fondazione Saccone)

Presentation Materials

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