2-3 May 2023
Ischia Island, Naples (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

A Small World of Bad Guys: Investigating Cooperation in CyberAttacks

2 May 2023, 18:00
Room Sant'Angelo ()

Room Sant'Angelo

Oral Presentation Social cybersecurity: convergence of SNA (Social Network Analysis) in cyber Social cybersecurity: convergence of SNA in cyber


Giacomello Giampiero (Università di Bologna) Dr. Iovanella Antonio (Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma)


Given the technical and logistical problems that must be overcome in cyberspace, it is inevitable that many malicious actors operate in (more or less) formal and structured groups. Such groups are social entities, and their interactions and relationships can be the investigate through Network Analysis. Using a well-known and tested dataset, this paper provides a first, empirical analysis of how several malicious hackers groups cooperate and highlights some of their behavioral characteristics. One important conclusion of this study is that malicious actors tend to populate a “small world”, where they consult, coordinate and help each other for their attacks.

Topics • Network analysis for security and cybersecurity
Keywords cyberattack, computer networks, computer security, cybersecurity, network analysis

Primary authors

Giacomello Giampiero (Università di Bologna) Dr. Iovanella Antonio (Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma) Dr. Martino Luigi (Università di Bologna)

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