ARS'23 Ninth International Workshop on Social Network Analysis

from Tuesday, 2 May 2023 (09:00) to Wednesday, 3 May 2023 (23:45)
Ischia Island, Naples (Italy) (Hermitage Resort & Thermal SPA)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
2 May 2023
3 May 2023
Registration (until 10:30) (Foyer)
Opening ceremony (until 11:00) (Room Aragonese)
Economic and geographical networks (until 12:00) (Room Forio)
11:00 Measuring Firm-Level Climate Change Exposure with social network and semantic analysis - Roberto Vestrelli (University of Groningen)   (Room Forio)
11:15 Network-based principles of entrepreneurial ecosystems: an analysis of a start-up network - Antonio Iovanella (Faculty of Economic, Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma - UNINT)   (Room Forio)
11:30 Does Social Network Analysis recognize the development of a territory? - Vincenzo Mini (Università Niccolò Cusano - Roma)   (Room Forio)
11:45 Mapping amateur investors’ social networks. A case study in the field of online stock trading in Italy - Niccolò Casnici (Department of Law, University of Brescia (Italy))   (Room Forio)
YoungARS (until 12:00) (Room Aragonese)
11:00 Analysing the Brexit Debate on Twitter: Insights from Graph Theory and Network Analysis - Alex Cucco (Imperial College London)   (Room Aragonese)
11:15 Detection of misogynistic networks on Twitter - Alice Tontodimamma (University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara) Emiliano del Gobbo (University of Foggia)   (Room Aragonese)
11:30 Network and text mining analysis on social reporting to study business relationships - Benedetta Valeria Cannizzaro (University of Palermo)   (Room Aragonese)
11:45 Science communication and its impact on public opinion during the Covid-19 pandemic: a study based on multilayer semantic networks - Alessandra De Luca (Università degli Studi Gabriele d'Annunzio)   (Room Aragonese)
Networks in Economic and Financial History (until 10:00) (Room Forio)
09:00 Kinship and conflicts among Italian mercenary families and regional states between 15th and 16th century: a multiplex network study - Margherita Criveller (Università degli Studi di Milano)   (Room Forio)
09:15 Banking networks and financial intermediation in Castile at the beginning of the 16th century - David Carvajal de la Vega (Universidad de Valladolid)   (Room Forio)
09:30 Notarized Loans in 18th-19th Century Milan: a Credit Market Equilibrium? A Social Network Approach - giuseppe de luca (Università degli studi di Milano) Giancarlo Ragozini (University of Naples Federico II - Departmenti of Political Science) Prof. MARCELLA LORENZINI (Università degli studi di Milano)   (Room Forio)
Statistical models for networks (until 10:00) (Room Aragonese)
09:00 Drivers of the decrease of patent similarities from 1976 to 2021 - Federica Bianchi (Università della Svizzera italiana)   (Room Aragonese)
09:15 Inference for multiview network data in the presence of latent variables with an application to commodities trading - Riccardo Rastelli (University College Dublin)   (Room Aragonese)
09:30 A Principled, Flexible and Efficient Framework for Hypergraph Benchmarking - Nicolò Ruggeri (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems / ETH)   (Room Aragonese)
09:45 Functional graphical model in corpus linguistic: an analysis of the spatio/temporal changes in Brexit debate on Twitter - Nicola Pronello (Università degli Studi 'G. d'Annunzio' Chieti - Pescara)   (Room Aragonese)
Keynote Speaker: Michal Bojanowski (until 11:00) (Room Aragonese)
Coffee Break (until 11:30) (Hermitage bar)
Networks and Behavior in Organizations (until 12:30) (Room Aragonese)
11:30 Team Satisfaction and Network Integration: A Longitudinal Case Study of Two NSF Funded Science Teams with Varying Levels of Success - Anne Mook (Colorado State University)   (Room Aragonese)
11:45 Ambidextrous managers and the idea journey: an intra-organizational network perspective - Paolo Di Toma (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)   (Room Aragonese)
12:00 COVID-19 impacts on the Italian container terminal industry: A Stochastic Actor Oriented Model - Marcella De Martino (Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS)-CNR, Italy)   (Room Aragonese)
12:15 The interplay between circular business models and digitalisation in large European companies: a cross-sectoral analysis - Cecilia Correggi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)   (Room Aragonese)
Networks in Economic and Financial History (until 12:30) (Room Forio)
11:30 Research themes, databases and network analysis in business history - Alberto Rinaldi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)   (Room Forio)
11:45 The persistence of belonging. Familism in Southern Italy’s business system over the 19th century - Roberto Rondinelli   (Room Forio)
12:00 The challenge of insularity. Business networks between islands and mainland in the South of Italy. The case study of Procida (19th century) - Paola Avallone (ISMED CNR)   (Room Forio)
Textual data analysis and network methods (until 13:00) (Room Forio)
12:00 PSN: Peacebuilder Students Network - Emma Zavarrone (University IULM)   (Room Forio)
12:15 Economy and the media: how newspaper narratives have changed over time in Italy. - Paolomaria Fabrizio (Disia UniFi) Patrizio lodetti (University of Florence)   (Room Forio)
12:30 Climate Migrations and Social Inequalities: a Case Study Meta-Analysis - Clara Salvatori (University of studies G. D'Annunzio Chieti-Pescara) Mara Maretti (University of studies G. D'Annunzio Chieti-Pescara)   (Room Forio)
12:45 Comparing Fuzzy Collective Maps to Explore Small Groups’ Strategies and Cognitive Styles - Marco Castellani (Department of Economics and Management, University of Brescia)   (Room Forio)
YoungARS (until 13:00) (Room Aragonese)
12:00 A social network analysis on Twitter during the Italian electoral campaign of 2022: mapping the political communities - Alice Tontodimamma (Department of Economics, University G. d'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, (Italy)) Stefano Anzani (Center for Advanced Studies and Technology (CAST), University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, (Italy))   (Room Aragonese)
12:15 Network models, systemic interactions and organizational culture: The case of Virvelle in Campania region - Cristina Ciancio Adriana Apuzzo   (Room Aragonese)
12:30 Dynamic blockmodel of Slovene co-authorship networks (1991-2020) - Fabio Ashtar Telarico (University of Ljubljana - FDV)   (Room Aragonese)
12:45 Football transfer market network: the communities of the Italian Football - Lucio Palazzo (University of Naples Federico II)   (Room Aragonese)
Lunch (until 14:30) (Hermitage Restaurant)
Keynote Speaker: Alessandro Lomi (until 15:30) (Room Aragonese)
Applications of network analysis in multidisciplinary fields (until 16:45) (Room Sant'Angelo)
15:30 Defining indicators on Protected Area Conflicts through Social-Ecological Network Analysis: An Economic and Justice approach - Ester Rita Lucia Sanna (University of Sassari )   (Room Sant'Angelo)
15:45 Mechanisms that reinforce and counter religious segregation in school classes: Network processes involve the interaction between positive and negative ties. - Vieri Pistocchi (University of Trento) Filip Agneessens (University of Trento)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
16:00 A characterisation of corruption risk in public procurement through social network analysis - Michela Gnaldi (University of Perugia)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
16:15 Automated Name Selection for the Network Scale-up Method - Michal Bojanowski (Kozminski University & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
16:30 Gender and Social Network Analysis - Elisa Bellotti   (Room Sant'Angelo)
Statistical models for networks (until 16:45) (Room Aragonese)
15:30 Exponential Random Graph Modelling of 3-Layer Socio-Cultural Data - Nikita Basov (University of Manchester)   (Room Aragonese)
15:45 Estimating ERGMs with Missing Attribute Data - A Tutorial - Robert Krause (University of Kentucky)   (Room Aragonese)
16:00 Social bonding and social capital as gossip mechanisms for desirable cooperation in the workplace - Esteban Munoz (Universita degli Studi di Milano)   (Room Aragonese)
16:15 Specifying attribute effects in statistical models for groups – A game theoretical approach - Marion Hoffman (Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, University of Zürich)   (Room Aragonese)
16:30 Bayesian estimation for partially observed networks and large component ERGM - Johan Koskinen (Stockholm University)   (Room Aragonese)
YoungARS (until 16:45) (Room Forio)
15:30 Estimating the network of UN 2030 Agenda. The Community structure of the targets - Maria Camilla Fraudatario (University of Florence)   (Room Forio)
15:45 The relational factor as a model for innovation and territorial development. The case of Fondazione Saccone in the Campania Region - Martina Vassalluzzo (Fondazione Saccone)   (Room Forio)
16:00 Modifying Vector Autoregressive model using Latent Position Model for count data - Hardeep Kaur (University College Dublin)   (Room Forio)
16:15 IONIAN: Investigation of Negative Influence in Adolescents’ Networks - Tanzhe Tang (Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Groningen, The Netherlands)   (Room Forio)
16:30 INet for Network Integration - Valeria Policastro   (Room Forio)
Coffee Break (until 17:15) (Hermitage bar)
Egonetworks and applications (until 18:30) (Room Forio)
17:15 Ego-Alter similarity with overlapping group membership - Martin Everett   (Room Forio)
17:30 Ego-networks and behaviours of Italian elderly in the COVID-19 pandemic time - Francesco Santelli (University of Trieste)   (Room Forio)
17:45 Homophily patterns in a large-scale sample of ego networks from the United States - Alexi Quintana-Mathé (Northeastern University)   (Room Forio)
18:00 Voices Unheard: Exploring the Absence of Discussants in Network Studies - Esteban Munoz (Universita degli Studi di Milano)   (Room Forio)
18:15 Mapping and explaining inequalities in personal networks between migrant generations in the U.S. - Raffaele Vacca (University of Milan)   (Room Forio)
Social cybersecurity: convergence of SNA in cyber (until 18:30) (Room Sant'Angelo)
17:15 New methods for measuring adoption of voluntary standards: the UK CoP for IoT Consumer Devices - Anna Piazza (University of Greenwich)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
17:30 Mapping cyber-attacks through keyword co-occurrence networks in hospital settings - Daniel Lozano Rojas (University of Leicester)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
17:45 Are we connected? A social network approach to measure social capital in Higher Education - Madeline Carr (University College London)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
18:00 A Small World of Bad Guys: Investigating Cooperation in CyberAttacks - Giacomello Giampiero (Università di Bologna) Dr. Iovanella Antonio (Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
18:15 Interlocking directors, board composition and cyber readiness of firms - Srinidhi Vasudevan (University of Greenwich)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
Statistical models for networks (until 18:30) (Room Aragonese)
17:15 Studying global alien species invasions between 1880 and 2005 with relational event models - Ernst C. Wit (Università della Svizzera italiana) Martina Boschi (Università della svizzera italiana)   (Room Aragonese)
17:30 Coupling Hidden Markov and Dynamic Network Actor Models: time heterogeneity and mixtures processes - Alvaro Uzaheta (ETH Zürich)   (Room Aragonese)
17:45 Status, cognitive overload, and incomplete information in advice-seeking networks: An agent-based model - Francesco Renzini (University of Milan)   (Room Aragonese)
18:00 Social influence in the adoption of mosquito bites preventive measures in Meghalaya, India: Exploring policy interventions with an empirical agent-based model - Federico Bianchi (Behave Lab, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan)   (Room Aragonese)
Awards (until 19:00) (Room Aragonese)
Social dinner (until 23:30) (Hermitage Restaurant)
Lunch (until 14:00) (Hermitage Restaurant)
Keynote Speaker: Davide Vega D'Aurelio (until 15:00) (Room Aragonese)
Collaboration and scientific networks (until 16:00) (Room Forio)
15:00 Can A Social Planner Manipulate Network Dynamics And Solve Coordination Problems? - Zaruhi Hakobyan (University of Luxembourg)   (Room Forio)
15:15 DREAM: deep relational event additive model for patent citations - Edoardo Filippi-Mazzola (Università della Svizzera italiana)   (Room Forio)
15:30 Sustainable Dynamic Capabilities: a Bibliometric Analysis - Cecilia Correggi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)   (Room Forio)
15:45 Co-authorship and scientific productivity: similarities and differences in the Management and Statistics scholars in Italy - Amin Gino Fabbrucci Barbagli   (Room Forio)
Mobility Networks (until 16:00) (Room Sant'Angelo)
15:00 Friend or peer: the networks students rely on during mobility programs - Deniza Alieva (Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
15:15 Erasmus student mobility in STEM disciplines - Kristijan Breznik (International School for Social and Business Studies)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
15:30 Data Processing and Clustering of Multimode Weighted Networks - Vincenzo Giuseppe Genova (University of Palermo)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
15:45 A network churn-retention index based on students' mobility flows - Giuseppe Giordano (University of Salerno)   (Room Sant'Angelo)
Temporal Networks (until 16:00) (Room Aragonese)
15:00 Influence, inertia, and independence: a diffusion model for temporal social networks - Gordana Marmulla (ETH Zurich)   (Room Aragonese)
15:15 Using Stratified Sums of Martingale Residuals to Assess the Goodness of Fit of Relational Event Models - Martina Boschi (Università della svizzera italiana)   (Room Aragonese)
15:30 A Dynamic Network Analysis of Energy Commodities Trade - Federico Mij   (Room Aragonese)
15:45 Music Worlds and/as Event Networks - Nick Crossley (University of Manchester)   (Room Aragonese)
Closing ceremony (until 16:30) ()