19-21 dicembre 2023
Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini"
Europe/Rome timezone

The DarkSide-20k experiment

20 dic 2023, 12:30
Aula Caianiello (Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini")

Aula Caianiello

Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini"

Via Cintia Edificio 6
Oral Astrophysics & Astroparticle Physics Astro Physics & Particle


Dr. Yuri Suvorov (UNINA)


This talk will provide an overview of the DarkSide-20k experiment by the Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration. This experiment aims to explore the WIMP hypothesis by detecting WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering with a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC) detector filled with low-radioactivity underground liquid argon. We will discuss the current status of the experiment, as well as the involvement of the Cryogenic Laboratory of our department in the testing of photo-detection systems with a dedicated cryogenic testing facility and R&D with Proto-0, a small-scale prototype of DarkSide-20k.

Primary authors

GIULIANA FIORILLO (University of Naples "Federico II") FRANCESCO DI CAPUA Dr. Yuri Suvorov (UNINA) Dr. Nicola Canci (UNINA) Dmitrii Rudik (UNINA) Mr. Gianfrancesco Grauso (UNINA) Giuseppe Matteucci (INFN Sez. Napoli, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) Gabriel Botogoske (INFN) Roberta Calabrese

Presentation Materials

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