19-21 dicembre 2023
Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini"
Europe/Rome timezone

The Unreasonable Growth of Network Platforms

20 dic 2023, 10:00
Aula Caianiello (Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini")

Aula Caianiello

Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini"

Via Cintia Edificio 6
Oral Statistical Physics Statistical Physics


Antonio Scala (CNR)


In an era dominated by the digital landscape, the ascent of network platforms defies traditional expectations, exhibiting an "unreasonable" growth that demands exploration. This presentation delves into the enigmatic forces propelling the explosive expansion of network platforms, ranging from social media giants to emerging digital ecosystems. As we dissect the unconventional strategies and dynamics fueling their meteoric rise, we challenge conventional notions of scalability and influence. Through unraveling the mysteries behind their extraordinary growth, this presentation aims to provide valuable insights for industry professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts seeking to navigate and understand the ever-evolving realm of network platforms. I will accompany you on a journey to decode the seemingly irrational trajectories of these platforms and explore the implications for technology, business, and society as a whole.seeking to navigate and understand the ever-evolving realm of network platforms. Join us on a journey to decode the seemingly irrational trajectories of these platforms and explore the implications for technology, business, and society as a whole.

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