19-21 dicembre 2023
Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini"
Europe/Rome timezone

JWST 2nd birthday: what we have learned so far

Not scheduled
Aula Caianiello (Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini")

Aula Caianiello

Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini"

Via Cintia Edificio 6


Marianna Annunziatella (Centro de Astrobiolog ́ıa (CAB), CSIC-INTA)


In this talk I will present some of the results from the first 2 years of JWST data. In particular, I will talk about the results from the MIRI GTO high-z team, that I am a part of, concerning intermediate to high redshift galaxies.
The results I will present have been obtained using the combination of several instruments on board of JWST: NIRCam, MIRI, NIRISS, in both imaging and spectroscopic mode. Moreover, I will talk about what are the scientific challenges we hope to overcome with the next round of data.

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