10-15 ottobre 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Entanglement between remote ions interfaced with cavities

11 ott 2021, 16:35
Oral Session 2


Maria Galli (University of Innsbruck)


In a quantum network, entanglement between qubits located in remote nodes is a fundamental resource for different applications including distributed quantum computing and quantum repeaters. Once can generate entanglement between distant ions by creating an ion-photon entangled pair at each of the two network nodes, steering the photons to opposite ports of a beamsplitter, and subsequently detect them. Specific photon detection patterns herald the generation of the ion-ion entangled state.
Two remote ions have previously been entangled over a separation of a few meters. Here, we present entanglement generation between ions stored in remote nodes in separate buildings in Innsbruck, connected via a fiber link of 400 m, where the trapped ions are interfaced with optical cavities.

Primary authors

Maria Galli (University of Innsbruck) Dario Fioretto (University of Innsbruck) Markus Teller (University of Innsbruck) Yunfei Pu (University of Innsbruck) Simon Baier (University of Innsbruck) Marco Cantieri (University of Innsbruck) Vojtech Krcmarsky (University of Innsbruck) Viktor Krutianskii (University of Innsbruck) Ben Lanyon (University of Innsbruck) Tracy Northup (University of Innsbruck)

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