10-15 ottobre 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

New applications of twin beams: from quantum reading to quantum conformance test

12 ott 2021, 10:30
Oral Session 3




We present quantum reading [3] realisation, describing theoretically and experimentally, as that quantum advantage is obtained by practical photon-counting measurements combined with a simple maximum-likelihood decision [4], demonstrating that quantum entanglement and simple optics are able to enhance the readout of digital data.
Then we consider [5] a protocol on conformance test. We formulate the problem in the context of quantum hypothesis demonstrating that quantum resources, namely twin beams [1,2], and a simple receive are able to outperform any classical strategy in recognizing whether or not a certain quantum channel conforms to a reference one.
[1] M.Genovese,J.Opt.18 (2016) 073002.
[2] M.Genovese, arXiv2101.02891
[3] S. Pirandola, PRL106, 090504 (2011).
[4] G.Ortolano et al. Sci.Adv.(2021) 7, eabc7796.
[5] G.Ortolano et al.arXiv:2012.15282

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