10-15 ottobre 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Improving quantum teleportation with a quantum dot-based entangled photon source

11 ott 2021, 12:25
Oral Session 1


Dr. Francesco Basso Basset (Sapienza University of Rome)


All-optical quantum teleportation relies on properties of entangled states that, in the prospect of operation in quantum networks, should be encoded on photon pairs on demand. Quantum dots are a promising solution, as shown in recent multi-photon experiments [1].
Here, we demonstrate quantum teleportation with quantum dot photons achieving improved protocol fidelity [2]. The experimental results are predicted based on entanglement fidelity and photon indistinguishability. The Bell state measurement implementation and spectral filtering are investigated within the same model. Finally, we envision the next steps towards realization with remote nodes.
[1] F. Basso Basset, M. Rota, C. Schimpf, D. Tedeschi, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 160501 (2019).
[2] F. Basso Basset., et al., npj Quantum Inf. 7, 7 (2021).

Primary authors

Dr. Francesco Basso Basset (Sapienza University of Rome) Mr. Francesco Salusti (Sapienza University of Rome) Dr. Lucas Schweickert (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Dr. Michele B. Rota (Sapienza University of Rome) Dr. Davide Tedeschi (Sapienza University of Rome) Dr. Saimon F. Covre da Silva (JKU University) Dr. Emanuele Roccia (Sapienza University of Rome) Prof. Val Zwiller (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Prof. Klaus D. Jöns (Paderborn University) Prof. Armando Rastelli (JKU University) Prof. Rinaldo Trotta (Sapienza University of Rome)

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