10-15 ottobre 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Variational Quantum Eigensolver for SU(N) Fermions

15 ott 2021, 14:50
Oral Session 13


Mr. Mirko Consiglio (Department of Physics, University of Malta)


Variational quantum algorithms aim at harnessing the power of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers, by using a classical optimizer to train a parameterized quantum circuit to solve tractable quantum problems. The variational quantum eigensolver is one of the aforementioned algorithms designed to determine the ground-state of many-body Hamiltonians. Here, we apply the variational quantum eigensolver to study the ground-state properties of $N$-component fermions. With such knowledge, we study the persistent current of interacting SU($N$) fermions, which is employed to reliably map out the different quantum phases of the system. Our approach lays out the basis for a current-based quantum simulator of many-body systems that can be implemented on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers.

Primary authors

Mr. Mirko Consiglio (Department of Physics, University of Malta) Dr. Tony John George Apollaro (Department of Physics, University of Malta) Prof. Jose Ignacio Latorre (Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi) Prof. Luigi Amico (Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi) Prof. Anna Minguzzi (Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés, CNRS) Mr. Sergi Ramos (Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi) Mr. Carlos Bravo-Prieto (Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi) Mr. Wayne Chetcuti (Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi)

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