We first show that any Gaussian cluster state of N bosonic modes can be generated by a multi-mode squeezing transformation. and provide the explicit recipe. We then use this result to show that a large class of pure entangled CV Gaussian states, including 2D-cluster states, can be robustly generated as a unique steady state of a dissipative dynamics employing minimal resources. In fact, this...
We will report on special properties of smart superconducting circuits and of hybrid tunnel-ferromagnetic Josephson junctions (JJs) on how to engineer the macroscopic phase in quantum circuits.
The possibility to control and drive tunnel-ferromagnetic JJs through different physical means allows for novel tuning mechanisms that are not susceptible to specific noise sources in a transmon...
We review some recent results on the development of tensor network algorithms and their application to
high-dimensional many-body quantum systems and machine learning problems in High Energy Physics. In particular, we present results on
topological two-dimensional systems, two dimensional Rydberg atom systems, and two and three-dimensional lattice gauge theories in presence of fermonic...
We present a systematic study of thermal rectification, R, in a nonlinear resonator. In the strongly anharmonic regime and weak system-bath coupling we derive general upper bounds on R. Beyond the weak-coupling regime we employ different methods: (i) including cotunneling processes, using (ii) nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism and (iii) Feynman-Vernon path integral approach. We find...