Entangling solid-state quantum repeater nodes
Bell's theorem shows that no hidden-variable model can explain the measurement statistics of a quantum system shared between two parties, thus ruling out a classical (local) understanding of nature. In this work we demonstrate that by relaxing the positivity restriction in the hidden-variable probability distribution it is possible to derive quasiprobabilistic Bell inequalities whose sharp...
We are experimentally investigating possible departures from the standard quantum mechanics’ predictions at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy.
In particular, we are searching signals predicted by the collapse models which were proposed to solve the “measurement problem” in quantum physics.
I shall discuss our recent results published in Nature Physics, where we ruled out the...
Standard photonic simulations of lattice quantum dynamics rely on our ability to shape optical modes and their relative couplings. In these platforms, reproducing temporally-long evolutions is challenging, as required setups are complex and lossy. Here we report the realization of long-time photonic quantum walks, based on light propagation through a limited number of birefringent optical...