Integrated photonics is a key enabler for quantum technologies, with significant improvements introduced in quantum computing, sensing and communications. Femtosecond laser writing of photonic circuits brings key advantages in terms of unprecedented 3D circuit layouts, possibility to manipulate polarization encoding, multimaterial devices and rapid prototyping. All these advantages are widely...
Mapping quantum error correcting codes to classical statistical mechanics models has proven a powerful tool to study the fundamental error thresholds of quantum error correcting codes under phenomenological noise models. In this work, we extend this mapping to realistic faulty quantum circuits by deriving the associated strongly correlated classical spin models for the example of a quantum...
Ultracold atoms and trapped ions have proven to be valuable resources for getting new insights on fundamental physical phenomena. Trapped ions can be individually addressed and coherently manipulated. Ultracold gases, instead, provide large atomic samples where trapping potentials and interactions are controlled externally, making them well suited for systematic studies of many-body quantum...
Shortcuts to adiabaticity in adiabatic quantum computation can be realized either by optimal designs of the annealing schedules or by using external control fields, such as counterdiabatic (CD) driving operators. I will discuss how genetic algorithms can help in determining optimal annealing schedules. Secondly, I will introduce the variational approach to CD driving in closed quantum systems...