(talk length throughout the whole event: 15’ SHARP including questions)
Programma del 21 Dicembre mattina
9:45 Presentazione + Welcome
The organizers: D. De Cicco, N. Frusciante e F. Iocco (UniNA)
M. Nicodemi (UniNA e INFN)
G. Miele (UniNA, Dir. Dip. Fisica “Ettore Pancini”),
Start alle 10:00
S. Capozziello: Non-local Gravity Cosmology
V. Cardone: Euclid: a higher order point of view on the Universe
M. Miranda: Scalar field effective fluids in second-order theories of
gravity -
V. De Falco: Exploring metric departures from Schwarzschild black
hole geometry -
M. Benetti: f(T) Cosmology
Break 11:30-12:00
M. Annunziatella: A look into the evolution of massive galaxies
G. D’Ago: Handling massive spectroscopic data: population gradients
in cluster ETGs -
A. Ferragamo: Machine Learning approach to Sunyaev-Zel'dovich cluster
radial mass profiles -
V. Allevato: The interplay between AGN and the large-scale structure
of the Universe -
D. De Cicco: A Neapolitan telescope in Chile: 10 years of AGN
variability -
F. Ragosta: Parameter estimation of kilonovae in the Vera Rubin
Observatory era -
A. Longobardi: Studying structure evolution in a multi-parameter space of observables
Students’ lunch!!! (You have to write to N. Miranda to register, and deposit 5 Euros; nicola.miranda@unina.it)
Programma del 22 Dicembre
Start alle 10:00
G. Gubitosi: Quantum Gravity Phenomenology
N. Frusciante: Cosmological tests of Gravity
F. Kuipers: Physics on the Quantum Foam
M. Cesaro: Kaluza-Klein Spectroscopy in Supergravity
M. De Cesare: Evolving black hole with scalar field accretion
Break 11:30-12:00
S. Esposito: Feynman's adventures ed altre imprese: storia,
didattica e divulgazione a Napoli tra azioni e contaminazioni -
O. Zagordi: O(1) cose che ho imparato da quando mi sono laureato in
fisica -
A. D’Isanto: From astronomy to supply chain (through OLED
development) -
P. D’Isanto: Zeta di Riemann e Caos
M. Messina: Relic neutrinos, how to take a new shot of the Universe
Francesco Musella: From Physics to Bioinformatics: DNA Modeling
Lunch 13:30-14:30
Start 14:30
E. Vitagliano: Supernova 1987A strongly constrains Bosons Decaying to
Neutrinos -
D. Fiorillo: Discovering point sources of ultra-high-energy neutrinos
F. Sapio: Fundamental Physics with the two Galileo FOC satellites
V. Gammaldi: Dark Matter indirect detection and machine learning
G. Limatola: On Linear Power Corrections in Collider Processes
V. Vicuña-Hernandez: Complex Beams
Break 15:45-16:00
M. Maffei: Energetics of optical quantum technologies
R. Arpaia: Shedding light on high temperature superconductors with
confined samples and synchrotron radiation -
P. Malara: The water network of trees as a sensing organ
A. Rubano: Terahertz Hyper-Raman Time-Domain Spectroscopy
L. Amato: Highly coherent cluster states in dilute rare-earth
Programma del 23 Dicembre mattina
Start alle 10:00
E. Loffredo: Evolutionary trade-offs in multi stressors environment
M. Conte: Polymer physics of chromosome spatial organization
M. F. Abbate: Computational detection of antigen-specific b-cells
receptor using statistical mechanics -
M. Durante: Biomedical Applications of Radioactive ion Beams
P. Maiuri: Nuclear volume (of a cell)
F. P. Casale: Human genetics and machine learning to unravel complex
disease biology
Break 11:30-12:00
A. Scialdone: One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand: how cells acquire and change identities
S. De Franciscis: Mathematical modeling of noise, networks and
dynamical systems, and its applications to system biology and
astrophysics. -
A. Marinelli: Neutrino astronomy in the era of the Global Neutrino Network
PD Serpico: Overview of Astroparticle activities at LAPTh
A. Cuoco: Dark Matter indirect detection with gamma rays, cosmic
rays and gravitational waves -
F. Iocco: Dark Matter distribution in astrophysical objects