Terahertz/Infrared (THz/IR) radiation and technologies have found incredible development in the last few decades due to their applications in many different fields, ranging from indoor and outdoor communication, security, environmental monitoring, biological research, medical applications and finally as a spectroscopic investigation tool in condensed matter [1]. However, many of these...
The INFN-LNF DAϕNE storage ring produces a powerful source of Synchrotron Radiation in the THz range [1]. The brilliance of SR in the THz domain is up to three orders of magnitude with respect to conventional sources (i.e. mercury lamps), as shown in Figure 1, and the flux increases with the electron current stored. These aspects permit to perform experiments in several field from material...
Coatings play a crucial role for the functionality of vacuum chambers in particle accelerators, serving dual purposes by efficiently facilitating pumping and mitigating electron cloud effects. However, their impact on the surface resistance of chamber walls raises concerns, potentially influencing machine performances and imposing limitations on achievable energies and currents. Therefore, an...