from Monday, 19 February 2024 (08:30) to Tuesday, 20 February 2024 (18:00)
Federico II Conference Center (Aula B)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
19 Feb 2024
20 Feb 2024
welcome (until 09:00) (Aula B)
I session (until 11:00) (Aula B)
09:00 Chip-scale Terahertz quantum cascade lasers frequency combs: recent advances and applications in near-field nanoscopy - Miriam Serena Vitiello (CNR, Istituto Nanoscienze)   (Aula B)
09:40 Optical beatnote detection of a portable THz QCL comb by direct microwave mixing onto an Hot-electron bolometer - Sara Cibella (IFN CNR)   (Aula B)
10:00 High repetition rate THz generation by cavity enhanced optical rectification in GaP - Gianluca Galzerano (Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie - CNR)   (Aula B)
10:20 THz amplitude modulation by organic-based metadevices - Federico Grandi (Dipartimento di fisica, Politecnico di Milano and CNR IFN – Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie, Milano, Italy)   (Aula B)
10:40 Infrared Plasmons in Quantum Materials - Salvatore Macis (Sapienza University)   (Aula B)
Coffe Break (until 11:40) (Room C)
II session (until 13:00) (Aula B)
11:40 Terahertz Spectroscopy and Topological Quantum Materials - Stefano Lupi (Department of Physics and INFN, Sapienza University of Rome)   (Aula B)
12:20 Optical Permittivity and Permeability in the THz Band from Independent Measurements of Normal Transmission and Reflection - Gian Paolo Papari (Dipartimento di Fisica Ettore Pancini, Università di Napoli Federico II )   (Aula B)
12:40 Polarimetry of Terahertz Pulses from two-color plasma - Domenico Paparo (CNR-ISASI)   (Aula B)
IV session (until 11:00) (Aula B)
09:00 Micro-thermo-mechanical THz detectors - Alessandro Tredicucci   (Aula B)
09:40 Metamaterial quasi-optical components for astronomical instrumentation at millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelengths - Giampaolo Pisano (Sapienza University of Rome)   (Aula B)
10:00 THz wave for Cultural Heritage @ IREA-CNR - Ilaria Catapano (Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)   (Aula B)
10:20 Terahertz Technologies as New Frontiers for Pathogenic microorganism Sensing: Drawbacks, Potentialities and Applications - Annalisa D'Arco (Sapienza University, Department of Physics)   (Aula B)
10:40 THz dynamics of aqueous binary mixtures at a mesoscopic level - Zahra Mazaheri (University of Naples, Federico II)   (Aula B)
Coffe Break (until 11:40) (Aula B)
V session (until 13:00) (Aula B)
11:40 THz-photonics by all-dielectric phonon-polariton nonlinear nanoantennas - Costantino De Angelis (University of Brescia, Department of Information Engineering, via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy)   (Aula B)
12:20 The beam alignment problem in THz wireless networks - Francesco Verde (Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)   (Aula B)
12:40 The THz Spectral Range: a Window of Opportunities - Luigi Consolino (CNR-INO)   (Aula B)
Lunch break (until 15:00) ()
III session (until 17:50) (Aula B)
15:00 Ultrafast THz spectroscopy of extended systems - Eugenio Cinquanta (CNR-IFN)   (Aula B)
15:40 Terahertz electric-field driven dynamical multiferroicity in SrTiO3 - Matteo Pancaldi (Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 30172 Venice, Italy)   (Aula B)
16:00 THz Optics for Beam Tailoring by Form-Birefringence - Can Koral (Department of Science, University of Basilicata)   (Aula B)
16:20 Terahertz imaging super-resolution - Mauro Missori (Instituite of Complex Systems, CNR)   (Aula B)
16:40 --- Break ---
17:00 Exploiting THz imaging to map plastic foam density - Ilaria Catapano (Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)   (Aula B)
17:20 Terahertz imaging for the detection of cimiciato-infected hazelnuts - Fulvia Gennari (University of Pisa, Department of Physics)   (Aula B)
Social event (until 22:00) ()
Lunch break (until 15:00) (Aula B)
VI session (until 16:40) (Aula B)
15:00 Terahertz saturable absorption from relativistic high-temperature thermodynamics in black phosphorus - Andrea Perucchi   (Aula B)
15:40 Underway Projects for Innovative THz/IR Sources based on Particle Accelerators: SISSI 2.0 and SABINA - Lorenzo Mosesso (Sapienza, University of Rome, Department of Physics)   (Aula B)
16:00 The LNF IR-THz beamline @ DAϕNE: experimental set-ups and perspectives - Lucilla Pronti (INFN-LNF)   (Aula B)
16:20 Material Characterizations in the Sub-THz Region for Particle Accelerators - Andrea Passarelli (INFN - Sezione di Napoli)   (Aula B)
Concluding remarks (until 17:00) (Aula B)
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