from 30 January 2023 to 1 February 2023
Complesso S. Marcellino e Festo
Europe/Rome timezone
The Political Sciences and Physics "E. Pancini" Departments of Federico II University organize the 1st International Conference on Measurement in STEM Education (MESE1).

Invited Sessions and Workshops


Use of INVALSI data for research on STEM Education

Patrizia Giannantoni and Patrizia Falzetti A  Study Of Gender Differences In The Selection Of Stem Courses At University With Large Scale Assessment Data Of Invalsi

Lorenzo Maraviglia – Open  Research Using Invalsi Data And Multilevel Models

Andrea Bendinelli – A Counterfactory Approach To The Evaluation Of Educational Policies: Methodology, Variables And Results

Emiliano Campodifiori – The Calculation Of Socio-Economic-Cultural Status Indicator Of Learners From Invalsi Data

Assessing student competence: current methodological issues in case studies

M. Desimoni  – Mathematics achievement at the end of upper secondary school during COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the INVALSI national assessment

Clelia Cascella – An application of Differential Item and Bundle Functioning analysis to the study of gender differences in Mathematics Education: implications for educational practitioners.

Matteo Farnè, Gioia Taraborrelli – Clustering educational data: a high school students' performance analysis

Multilevel Analysis for research on STEM Education

Cristina Davino, A. L. Ranieri, Domenico Vistocco –Exploring the impact of student characteristics and social context on mathematical literacy

M. La Rocca, M. Niglio, M. Restaino – An analysis of the differences in Italian students’ performance in STEM and no-STEM courses

Rosa Fabbricatore, Lucio. Palazzo, F. Santelli – TBA


Introduction on Text Mining and KNIME Analytics (M. Marsili,  Paolo Tamagnini)

Cluster Analysis to study student reasoning profiles: experimental results in Physics Education (O.R. Battaglia)

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