Registration of the participants
Monday January 30th 8.30 – 9.15 -
Opening ceremony
Monday January 30th 9.15 – 9.45Giancarlo Ragozini & Italo Testa (Chairs of the Conference)
Key Note 1
Monday January 30th 9.45 – 10.30 (chair G. Ragozini)Giuseppe Pellegrini
Evolution acceptance and high school students.
Methodological considerations and new perspectives of investigation -
Coffee break
Monday January 30th 10.30 11.00 -
Session 1 – Issues in Assessing STEM and Math Education
Monday January 30th 11.00 – 12.30 (Chair S.Galano)J. Niewint-Gori Why does Integrated STEM education not fit: Pinpointing the breaking points visualization
M. Caramaschi Do the epistemological bases of qualitative and quantitative paradigms in STEM education still hold today?
M. G. Ballatore Spatial abilities and the gender gap in mathematics
G. Bolondi Measuring the impact of changing the formulation of a mathematical task
Key Note 2
Monday January 30th 12:30 – 13:15 (chair I. Testa)Onofrio Rosario Battaglia Clustering methods to study student reasoning lines: theoretical aspects and experimental results
Lunch Break
Monday January 30th 13.15 – 14.15 -
Multilevel Analysis for research on STEM Education (Invited Symposium)
Tuesday January 30st 14.15 – 15.45 (Chair L. Palazzo)C. Davino, M. Romano, D. Vistocco – Exploring the impact of student characteristics and social context on mathematical literacy
M. La Rocca, M. Niglio, M. Restaino – An analysis of the differences in Italian students’ performance in STEM and no-STEM courses
R. Fabbricatore, L. Palazzo, F. Santelli – "I don't know": dealing with uncertainty in students' perceived competence in STEM
Coffee break
Monday January 30th 15.45 – 16.15 -
Session 2a – Measurement of cognitive and affective variables in STEM
Monday January 30th 16:15 - 17: 45 (Chair L. Palazzo)R. Mazzola An extensive questionnaire about emergency remote teaching: more than 3000 engineering students respond about their perceptions on online didactic activities
S. Zanella Investigation of Systems Thinking Skills of students aged 11 to 14 years old
D. Catena Investigating secondary students’ identification with physics through structural equation modeling
G. Giuliana Use of Multiple correspondence analysis to investigate students’ mental models about quantum entities
Session 2b – Assessment of Instructional Strategies in STEM Education
Monday January 30th 16:15 – 17.45 (Chair R. Fabbricatore)V. Bologna (online presentation) Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Physics and Engineering freshmen FMCE responses
G. Bozzo (online presentation) Combining qualitative and quantitative analyses to investigate the role of virtual simulations in the evolution of primary school students' mental models about electrostatics
M. Bozzi Peer learning in higher education: An effective response to the university students’ dropout problem
F. Monti Investigating through worksheets the impact of short formative modules on prospective teachers' didactic projects about specific topics: qualitative analysis and data visualization
Keynote 3
Tuesday January 31st 9.00 – 09.45 (chair F. Palumbo)Milos Kankaras Assessment of social and emotional skills in cross-national settings: an OECD approach
Keynote 4
Tuesday January 31st 9.45 – 10.30 (Chair I.Testa)Martin Rusek - The black box is not that black anymore: The use of eye-tracking in STEM education research
Coffee break
Tuesday January 31st 10.30 – 11.00 -
Assessing student competence: current methodological issues in case studies (Invited Symposium)
Tuesday January 31st 11.00 – 12.30 (Chair S. Mignani)M. Desimoni – Mathematics achievement at the end of upper secondary school during COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the INVALSI national assessment
C. Cascella – An application of Differential Item and Bundle Functioning analysis to the study of gender differences in Mathematics Education: implications for educational practitioners.
M. Farnè, G. Taraborrelli – Clustering educational data: a high school students' performance analysis
Keynote 5
Tuesday January 31st 12.30 – 13.15 (chair F. Palumbo)Stefania Mignani – Assessing The Gender Gaps In Maths Competence: An Overview Of What We Known From Invalsi Data
Lunch Break
Tuesday January 31st 13.15 - 14:15 -
Use of INVALSI data for research on STEM Education (Invited Symposium)
Tuesday January 31st 14.15 – 16:00 (Chair S. Galano)Patrizia Giannantoni and Patrizia Falzetti – A Study Of Gender Differences In The Selection Of Stem Courses At University With Large Scale Assessment Data Of Invalsi
Lorenzo Maraviglia – Open Research Using Invalsi Data And Multilevel Models
Andrea Bendinelli – A Counterfactory Approach To The Evaluation Of Educational Policies: Methodology, Variables And Results
Emiliano Campodifiori – The Calculation Of Socio-Economic-Cultural Status Indicator Of Learners From Invalsi Data
Keynote 6
Tuesday January 31st 16:00 – 16:45 (Chair I.Testa)William Boone - What I wish I had known as a Rasch beginner….
Keynote 7
Tuesday January 31st 16.45 – 17.30 (chair I. Testa)Michele Marsili Automated Assessment Of Open-Ended Question Of Invalsi Tests
Invited Workshop 1
Wednesday February 1st 08.30 - 12.30Introduction on Text Mining and KNIME Analytics (M. Marsili, Paolo Tamagnini)
Lunch break
Wednesday February 1st 12.30 - 13.30 -
Invited Workshop 2
Wednesday February 1st 13.30 - 16.30Cluster Analysis to study student reasoning profiles: experimental results in Physics Education (O.R. Battaglia)
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Detailed timetable