Despite of countless financial resources at the European and Italian national level, the availability of training and many best practices as teaching resources, STEM education struggles to be integrated in the school system in holistic way. Starting from a reflection on the key points and actors involved with STEM practices in schools this contribution intends to highlight the critical points...
Recently, the Physical Review Physics Education Research journal organised two calls for papers focused collection to “examine and challenge” quantitative (2017) and qualitative methods (2021) in that field. Both calls had a subtitle, “a critical examination”, which foretells the need to focus on these two methodological paradigms, not taking them for granted, inviting to reposition them in...
Learning mathematics is a general problem in Italy, but it is more relevant for females. Male students typically outperform their female classmates in maths test scores from the earliest years of schooling, and the gap worsens as school grades progress.
The different experiences and expectations about potential abilities of boys and girls are key to understanding the possible causes of the...
Learning achievements are usually assessed by administering tasks to students- ranging from individual assessment to Large-scale surveys. Task design and administration are key issues in an assessment process. In the last decades, quantitative research investigated systemic changes in assessment modality, such as how the switching from a paper-and pencil administration of a task to a...