MEasurement in STEM Education

from Monday, 30 January 2023 (08:30) to Wednesday, 1 February 2023 (16:30)
Complesso S. Marcellino e Festo (G4)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
30 Jan 2023
31 Jan 2023
1 Feb 2023
Registration of the participants (until 09:15) (G4)
09:15 --- Opening ceremony ---
Keynote 1 (until 10:30) (G4)
09:45 Evolution acceptance and high school students. Methodological considerations and new perspectives of investigation - Prof. Giuseppe Pellegrini (Observa Science in Society)   (G4)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Issues in Assessing STEM and Math Education (Contributed Symposium) (until 12:30) (G4)
11:00 Why does Integrated STEM education not fit: Pinpointing the breaking points. - Jessica Niewint-Gori (Indire)   (G4)
11:20 Do the epistemological bases of qualitative and quantitative paradigms in STEM education still hold today? - Martina Caramaschi (Department of Physics and Astronomy - University of Bologna)   (G4)
11:40 Spatial abilities and the gender gap in mathematics (Matabì) - Barbara Romano (Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli)   (G4)
12:00 Measuring the impact of changing the formulation of a mathematical task - Giorgio Bolondi (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)   (G4)
Keynote 3 (until 09:45) (G4)
09:00 Assessment of social and emotional skills in cross-national settings: an OECD approach - Prof. Milos Kankaras (Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, University of Montenegro, Montenegro)   (G4)
Keynote 4 (until 10:30) (G4)
09:45 The black box is not that black anymore: The use of eye-tracking in STEM education research - Prof. Martin Rusek (Charles University, Faculty of Education. Prague, Czech Republic)   (G4)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Assessing student competence: current methodological issues in case studies (Invited Symposium) (until 12:30) (G4)
11:05 Mathematics achievement at the end of upper secondary school during COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the INVALSI national assessment - Marta Desimoni (INVALSI)   (G4)
11:30 An application of Differential Item and Bundle Functioning analysis to the study of gender differences in Mathematics Education: implications for educational practitioners. - Clelia Cascella (INVALSI)   (G4)
11:55 Clustering educational data: a high school students' performance analysis - Matteo Farnè (University of Bologna)   (G4)
Workshop 1 - Dr. Paolo Tamagnini Dr. Michele Marsili (until 12:30) (G4)
Keynote 2 (until 13:15) (G4)
12:30 Clustering methods to study student reasoning lines: theoretical aspects and experimental results - Dr. Onofrio Rosario Battaglia (Università di Palermo)   (G4)
13:15 --- Lunch Break ---
Multilevel Analysis for research on STEM Education (Invited Symposium) (until 15:45) (G4)
14:15 Exploring the impact of student characteristics and social context on mathematical literacy - Cristina Davino (Dipartimento di Scienze economiche e statistiche -)   (G4)
14:45 An analysis of the differences in Italian students’ performance in STEM and no-STEM courses - Marialuisa Restaino (DISES Università di Salerno)   (G4)
15:15 "I don’t know": dealing with uncertainty in students' perceived competence in STEM - Rosa Fabbricatore (Università degli Studi di Napoli)   (G4)
15:45 --- Coffee break ---
Assessment of Instructional Strategies in STEM Education (Parallel Contributed Symposium) (until 17:45) (G4)
16:15 Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Physics and Engineering freshmen FMCE responses - Valentina Bologna (Physics Department, University of Trieste)   (G4)
16:35 Combining qualitative and quantitative analyses to investigate the role of virtual simulations in the evolution of primary school students' mental models about electrostatics - Giacomo Bozzo (Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Science. University of Calabria (UNICAL), Cosenza, Italy )   (G4)
16:55 Peer learning in higher education: An effective response to the university students’ dropout problem - Matteo Bozzi (Politecnico di Milano, Department of Physics, Milan, Italy)   (G4)
17:15 Investigating through worksheets the impact of short formative modules on prospective teachers' didactic projects about specific topics: qualitative analysis and data visualization. - Francesca Monti (University of Verona)   (G4)
Measurement of cognitive and affective variables in STEM (Parallel Contributed Symposium) (until 17:45) (G4)
16:15 An extensive questionnaire about emergency remote teaching: more than 3000 engineering students respond about their perceptions on online didactic activities. - Roberto Mazzola (Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano)   (G4)
16:35 Investigation of Systems Thinking Skills of students aged 11 to 14 years old - Sara Zanella (Free University of Bozen)   (G4)
16:55 Investigating secondary students’ identification with physics through structural equation modeling - Dr. Danilo Catena (University of Udine)   (G4)
17:15 Use of Multiple correspondence analysis to investigate students’ mental models about quantum entities - Giovanni Giuliana (University of Camerino)   (G4)
Keynote 5 (until 13:15) (G4)
12:30 ASSESSING THE GENDER GAPS IN MATHS COMPETENCE: AN OVERVIEW OF WHAT WE KNOWN FROM INVALSI DATA - Prof. Stefania Mignani (Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna)   (G4)
13:15 --- Lunch Break ---
Use of INVALSI data for research on STEM Education (Invited Symposium) (until 16:00) (G4)
14:15 A Study Of Gender Differences In The Selection Of Stem Courses At University With Large Scale Assessment Data Of Invalsi - Patrizia Falzetti (INVALSI) Dr. Patrizia Giannantoni   (G4)
14:40 Open Research Using Invalsi Data And Multilevel Models - Maraviglia Lorenzo (INVALSI)   (G4)
15:05 A Counterfactory Approach To The Evaluation Of Educational Policies: Methodology, Variables And Results - Andrea Bendinelli (INVALSI)   (G4)
15:30 The Calculation Of Socio-Economic-Cultural Status Indicator Of Learners From Invalsi Data - Emiliano Campodifiori (INVALSI)   (G4)
Keynote 6 (until 16:45) (G4)
16:00 What I wish I had known as a Rasch beginner…. - Prof. William Boone (Miami University )   (G4)
Keynote 7 (until 17:30) (G4)
16:45 Automated Assessment Of Open-Ended Question Of Invalsi Tests - Dr. Michele Marsili (Invalsi)   (G4)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
Workshop 2 - Dr. Onofrio Rosario Battaglia (until 16:30) (G4)